Markov Process Model for the Strength and Reliability of Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites |
Koichi GODA |
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Probabilistic Strength Estimation Against Various Interlayer Thicknesses in Ceramic/Metal Joints |
Manabu TAKAHASHI, Nagatoshi OKABE, Xia ZHU and Ken-ichiro KAGAWA |
7 |
Fatigue Strength and Fracture Mechanisms of Porous Silicon Carbide |
Akio YONEZU, Takeshi OGAWA and Hiroshi KAWAMOTO |
13 |
Statistical Fatigue Properties of Nonferrous Metals Based on the Statistical Aspect of Crack Initiation and Propagation Behaviors |
Kenji OKADA, Tatsuo SAKAI, Izuru NISHIKAWA, Atsushi SUGETA, Toshiyuki SHIMOKAWA and Satoshi NISHIJIMA |
19 |
A New Probabilistic Model for Random Fatigue Crack Growth Based upon a Random Field |
Hiroaki TANAKA |
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Probabilistic Evaluation System of Seismic Damage States for Bridge Structures |
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Disaster Simulation for Chemical Plant - In Case of Considering for Outflow of Storage, Evaporation and Diffusion of Gas- |
Tetsusei KURASHIKI, Masaru ZAKO and Yoshiko YASUTAKE |
40 |
Damage Zone around Crack Tip and Fracture Toughness of Rubber-Modified Epoxy Resin under Mixed Mode Condition |
Deok-bo LEE, Toru IKEDA and Noriyuki MIYAZAKI |
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Modelling of Ultrasonic Attenuation In Unidirectional FRP -Formulation and Analysis for Longitudinal Wave- |
Shiro BIWA, Yufu WATANABE, Yoshihiro KOTAKE and Nobutada OHNO |
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Effects of Specimen Thickness on Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour of Titanium Alloys in Air and in 3%NaCl Solution |
Masaki NAKAJIMA, Toshihiro SHIMIZU and Keiro TOKAJI |
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X-Ray Evaluation of Residual Stresses During Heat-Treating of Continuous SiC Fiber-Reinforced 606lAl Alloy Composite |
Yasukazu IKEUCHI, Tatsuya MATSUE and Takao HANABUSA |
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