Compressive and tensile properties of aluminum alloys under impulsive loading
Nakagawa Noritoshi; Sekiguchi Yasuhisa; Kato Ryuichi; Sakamoto Jun-ichiro
Abstract:In this paper, after the validity of impact tests is examined, impact compressive and tensile tests on three kinds of aluminum alloys are performed under several strain rates, and dynamic stress-strain curves are obtained. It is demonstrated that the JIS2024 shows the strain rate independency, whereas the dynamic properties of other two alloys depend on the strain rate. The JIS7075 shows larger overstress in tension than that in compression. Furthermore, the work-hardening effect in the case of multiple impact tests of aluminum alloys is investigated. It is found that the stress in the plastic region increases every time the impact test is performed excepting pure aluminum. Key Words:impact comprssive test, impact tensile test, multiple impact test