Method of x-ray stress measurement for cubic polycrystals with fiber texture
Tanaka Keisuke; Ishihara Keisaku; Inoue Kaoru
Abstract:A new method of X-ray stress measurement was proposed for cubic polycrystals having the [111] fiber texture with the fiber axis perpendicular to the specimen surface. The relation between the strain measured by the X-ray method and the stress was derived on the bases of Reuss and Voigt models. The procedure to determine the residual stresses in aluminum thin films having the [111] fiber texture was presented. The X-ray strain was measured at the inclination angle y =0 degree and 70.5 degree for 222 diffraction, and y =29.5 degree and 58.5 degree for 311 diffraction. The values of in-plane stresses, s11, s22 and s12, and out-of-plane stress, s33, were determined from the measured strains. For the case of equi-biaxial stresses, i. e. s11 =s22 =s , both models give the identical relation between the X-ray strain and sin2y . The stress can be determined from the slope of the linear relation. Key Words:X-ray stress measurement, cubic crystal, fiber texture, Reuss model, Voigt model