Discussion of fcc/bcc phase transformation under uniaxial strain by electron stress
Kotake Shigeo; Kimata Hiroyuki; Aoki Takashi; Suzuki Yasuyuki; Senoo Masafumi
Abstract:Quantum stress on valence electron, named electron stress (s), in K and Al has been calculated by using pseudo potential method under strict uniaxial strain deformation. Electron pressure (p) and electron stiffness parameter (c) have been defined from s. Though some properties of simple metals are characterized from free electron gas, density of s showed certain localization, like atomic bond. Changes of distributions on s and p were discussed from Bain's bct structure path on fcc/bcc phase transformation. Rapid increases of s were also observed. These peculiar spatial and quantity changes of s might imply switching of atomic bond during fcc/bcc phase transformation. Key Words:fcc/bcc phase transformation, uniaxial strain, martensite, pseudo-potential, electron stress, bain transformation