Measurement of pressure distribution in pressure media under very high pressure in a diamond anvil cell and estimation of their friction factor
Nakashima Takeru; Satoh Shuichi; Nakamura Yuichi; Kurosaki Yasushi
Abstract:Pressure distribution under high pressure around 5 GPa were measured in a diamond anvil cell for four kinds of pressure media, such as pyrophyllite etc. Lorentzian like pressure profiles with different line width (FWHM) in each pressure medium were observed. The order of line width value was a-Fe2O3 less than pyrophyllite less than NaCl less than Cu. Pressure distributions obtained experimentally were simulated using rigid plastic FEM. Steep pressure distributions in pyrophyllite and a-Fe2O3 were well fitted on the assumption that friction factor m was proportional to the power of pressure until m = 1. These results are expected to contribute to an efficient design of a high pressure apparatus. Key Words:diamond anvil cell, pressure distribution, pressure media, rigid plastic method, friction