Dynamic buckling strength of honeycomb core of aluminum alloy
Zhou Hong; Kawano Shunichi; Tong Jun; Saito Takashi
Abstract:The objective of this study is to clarify crush phenomena of the hexagonal honeycomb core of aluminum alloy under the dynamic loading. The impact collapse test of the core was performed by the Hopkinson bar method. The FEM program for the dynamic plastic buckling analysis was developed based on the iterative method that has been proposed by authors. The effect of load point speed on the collapse configuration, the buckling strength and the energy absorption capacity were discussed with the experimental results and the FEM calculation. The dynamic collapse configuration is different from the quasi static one, but the dynamic buckling load and the energy absorption capacity are comparable to the quasi static ones. Key Words:buckling, crushing, energy absorption capacity, honeycomb core of aluminum alloy, dynamic FEM, interactive method, plasticity