Development of effective slope protection technique in cold regions by use of native dwarf bamboos as ground cover
Takeda Kazuo; Okamura Akihiko; Nakazawa Juichi
Abstract:Following a comprehensive field investigation on the effectiveness of slope protection techniques in cold regions, it was found that conventional protective grids usually cease to function within a few years because they protrude from the ground surface by repeated freeze and thaw cycles, and that such frost damages are significantly reduced on slopes covered by native dwarf bamboos (Sasa nipponica). Further, it was confirmed that the modified protective grids having a cross section shaped like 'reverse T' are more effective in preventing frost damages than the conventional grids shaped like 'I'. Based on these findings, an improved slope protection technique is recommended in which native dwarf bamboos are used as a ground cover protected by a new type of grids. Key Words:cold region, field investigation, frost damage, protective grids, dwarf bamboo, frost heave, frost depth, slope protection technique, ground cover, slope stability