Transmission rate of impact stress for the jointed two plates
Maekawa Ichiro; Uda Kazufumi
Abstract:The transmission rate of impact stress for the jointed two plates were investigated by strain gage method. Impact force was applied by a pendulum to the PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) plates jointed as simple butt contact, butt bonding, uniformed lap bonding, terraced lap bonding and lap bolt joints. The transmission rate, Tr, is defined as Tr = et/ei, where ei and et were the strain amplitude measured in the incident plate and the transmission plate, respectively, and both strains were measured just after the arrival of reflected wave at these measuring points, respectively. The transmission rate in the case of lap bonding joints was lager than that of simple butt contact, however the transmission rate did not always increase with increase of bonded width. The transmission rate in the case of bolt joint was lower than that of lap bonding one for the same lap width. These results were discussed based on numerical analysis. Influence of anti-plane bending was also discussed. Key Words:transmission rate of impact stress, stress wave, interference of stress waves, joints of plates, experimental strain measurement