Theoretical prediction of residual stress induced by shot peening and experimental verification for carburized steel
Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Asano Takashi
Abstract:Simplified theoretical formulae have been developed to predict the maximum and the peak depth of the compressive residual stress due to shot peening from the shot peening parameters and materials properties. These formulae put the base on the motion equation of a shot and the analytical model proposed by Li, who used a Hertz theory of elastic contact and a simplified elasto-plastic theory. For experimental verifications, several conditions of shot peening were carried out with the shots made of cast steel, fused zirconia and glass, which had three levels of shot diameter respectively. The residual stress distributions were measured by X-ray diffraction method. The predicted maximum and the peak depth of the compressive residual stress by the proposed formulae were agreed well with the experimental values in the wide range of shot peening condition. Key Words:Residual stress, Shot peening, Stress analysis, Hertz theory, Carburizing, Steel, Zirconia, Glass