Dynamic stability of angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells under impact external pressure
Kasuya Hirakazu; Matsuoka Kazuo
Abstract:Because of high specific strength and stiffness, fiber-reinforced plastics have been used as structural members in various fields, and hence analysis of thin laminated structures is important. In this paper, the problem of dynamic stability of angle-ply laminated cylindrical shells under impact external pressure is described. First of all, the motion of cylindrical shells under impact external pressure is defined as axially symmetric motion. Following this definition, certain perturbations are superimposed on this motion and their effect on the behavior of the shell is investigated. The symmetric state of motion of the shell is called stable if the perturbations remind bounded. The solutions for the prebuckling motion and the perturbed motion are obtained using the Galerkin's method. Stable regions are examined by utilizing the Mathieu's equation. The inevitability of dynamic unstable behaviors is proved analytically and the effects of various factors, such as external pressure ratio, lamination angle, dynamic unstable mode and dimensions of cylinder, are clarified. Key Words:Structural analysis, Composite materials, Dynamic stability, CFRP, Angle-ply, Laminated cylindrical shells, Impact external pressure, Mathieu's equation