Original paper(Vol.48 No.7 pp.763)
Abstract:In this paper, the functions expressing both crack opening displacement and sectional forces for an infinite plate with a straight crack subjected to out-of-plane uniform loads acting on its edge have been obtained. The phenomenon that the obtained equivalent shear forces through a numerical example turn from plus figures to minus figures in assumed fracture process zones is observed. Finite element method (FEM) is utilized to verify the phenomenon. Providing spring supports with different constant values at nodes in the process zones, FEM analysis provides almost same displacements and the similar shape of equivalent shear forces as those of the numerical example. In the case of out-of-plane problem, it is found that a concentrated load at the center of a crack provides the larger effect in the maximum sectional force than uniform load acting along full width of the crack, when the total magnitudes of the both loads are equal. On the other hand in the case of in-plane problem, the larger width of applied loads provides the larger effect on the maximum stress.
Key Words:Crack, Mode‡V, Displacement functions, Process zone, Finite element method