Analysis of Interfacial Delamination for Plastic Film |Basic Study for Mechanism of Void Formation in Stretched PET Film having Incompatible Polymer Particles|
Katsuya ITO, Chisato NONOMURA, Toshitake SUZUKI, and Hideaki ISHIHARA
Abstract:This study is concerned with the analysis of relationship between the interfacial energy of polymer and the micro voids that are formed by stretching the composite polymer sheet having incompatible particles in the matrix. Now we tried to simulate the void formation, considering the interfacial delamination between Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and dispersed incompatible polymers, and to compare the numerical results by finite element method (FEM) with experimental one. By introducing the method in which the displacement constraints were removed at a critical value of stress near interface region, it was simulated that the void became larger with decreasing critical stress of interfacial delamination. The results are summarized as follows; (1) Enlarging the aspect ratio of void coincided with increasing the interfacial energy between PET and incompatible polymers experimentally. (2) Decreasing the critical stress of interfacial delamination coincided with increasing the interfacial energy in FEM. (3) Dependence of actual load-displacement behavior on the interfacial energy difference was qualitatively demonstrated by charging the critical stress of interfacial delamination in FEM. Key Words:Interfacial delamination, Plastic film, Void, Poly (ethylene terephtalate), Finite element method