Assessment for delamination strength of a thin film on a hard disk drive head by peel test
Naka Yasuhiro; Doi Hiroaki; Yasukawa Akio; Imanaka Tadashi; Koyanagi Hiroaki
Abstract:An assessment method to determine delamination strength by using a peel test is proposed for a thin film on the head in a hard disk drive. Delamination strength is assessed by comparing critical delamination energy release rate measured experimentally by a peel test with delamination energy release rate analyzed using a finite element method. Critical delamination energy release rate is a parameter corresponding to adhesive strength. Critical delamination energy release rate varies from sample to sample and depends on the peel velocity, therefore it is necessary that variation and dependence on the peel velocity of critical delamination energy release rate are considered to assess delamination strength. From this method, probability of delamination can be estimated for a thin film on the head in a hard disk drive. Key Words:Delamination, Adhesive strength, Thin film, Peel test, Hard disk, Drive head