Studies on Rolling Contact Fatigue Properties and Specific Sliding in Structural Metals
Akihiro MORIMOTO, Eiichi MATSUMOTO and Haruyuki TAKEDA
Abstract:The rolling contact fatigue tests with specific sliding 0% and 20% measuring tangential force, the pulsating compression fatigue tests and the completely reversed torsion fatigue tests were carried out using six structural metals. The relationships of the fatigue limit among the rolling contact fatigue, the pulsating compression fatigue and the completely reversed torsion fatigue were examined on the basis of the stress analyses under the contact surface. Then the fatigue limit under the rolling contact fatigue with specific sliding 0% and 20% could be estimated from the tensile strength, the yield stress and Young's modulus. Key Words:Rolling Contact Fatigue, Specific Sliding, Tangential Force, Fatigue Limit