Dynamic Tensile Strenght of PMMA/Al Plate Butt Adhesive Joints
Hitoshi WADA, Satoshi KUBO and Katsuhiko MURASE
Abstract:The dynamic strengths of adhesively bonded dissimilar butt joints were investigated numerically and experimentally. Stress distributions and the variation of stress with time in the joint were analyzed by the finite element method. A stress singularity parameters approach was applied for evaluating the dynamic tensile strength of adhesively bonded dissimilar butt joints, composed of PMMA and Al alloy plates. The dynamic strength of the joint under impact loading was calculated by a new simple method proposed in this study. The statistical analysis of the dynamic tensile strength of the joints by using the Weibull distribution was presented. It was found that the dynamic tensile strength of the joints increased significantly with increasing loading rate. Key Words:Dynamic Tensile Strength, Butt Adhesive Joint, Interface, Adhesively Bonded Dissimilar Butt Joints, Loading Rate, Stress Singularity, Strain Gage, Finite Element Method