Effects of Particle-Size Characteristics of Limestone Powder on Flowability of Self-Compacting High Performance Concrete
Masanori BABA, Ryou OH, Ryouichi KAWANAKA, Toshiki AYANO and Kenji SAKATA
Abstract:Self-comapacting high performance concrete is becoming more and more accepted for structural applications. The performance requirement may include ease of placement and compaction without segregation. Self-compacting high performance concrete is used for prefabricated constructions companies for improving quality variance of concrete and the environment of workers. However, it is well known that it is difficult to control the quality of the self-compacting high performance concrete with additional powders. Quality of the concrete is affected strongly by the quality of powder or water content of gravel. There is a slight variation of limestone powder quality used for producing the self-compacting high performance concrete continuously. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of fineness of limestone powders and particle-size distribution on the performance of self-compacting high performance concrete for stabilizing the production of the concrete. Key Words:Self-compacting high performance concrete, Limestone powder, Particle-size distribution, Blaine, Bleeding