Prediction Method of Corrosion of Ductile Iron Pipes by A.C. Impedance Measurment Method
Hiroaki FUJII, Toshihiro KUBO, Hiroaki SHIMIZU, Yukio KATANO and Toshio SHIBATA
Abstract:It is important to evaluate the corrosion extent of buried pipes for maintaining them. But it requires much time and much cost to get corrosion data for evaluating the corrosion extent of buried pipes. So we have tried to evaluate the corrosion extent simply by using corrosion resistance based on A.C.impedance measurment method in solution containing many soluble components extracted from soil. We have investigated the relationship between every corrosion resistance and analysis value of water extracted from soil, weight loss by the corrosion and corrosion rate of buried ductile iron pipes and have established the simple prediction method of the depth of external corrosion by the corrosion resistance and soil quality judged visually on the spot. Key Words:A.C.impedance measurment method, Corrosion resistance, Simple prediction of external corrosion, Solution extracted from soil, Ductile iron pipe