Design of Vinyle-Ester Resin Composite with Affordable Interphase
Yoshimichi FUJII, Masahiro YAMANOUCHI, Machiko MIZOGUCHI and Hiroyuki HAMADA
Abstract:In order to develop the new composite material with an additional function, a new concept of affordable interphase has been applied to vinyl-ester resin composite. Fabrication methods of glass woven fabric vinyl-ester resin composite with affordable interphase were proposed and the mechanical properties were investigated. The method using alkyd of an unsaturated polyester resin which has low modulus and high fracture toughness for the resin of affordable interphase was the most appropriate. The alkyd was applied on the glass fabric, and then the laminates were fabricated by hand lay up method using vinyl-ester resin as matrix. Tensile test for the specimens with different interphase conditions was performed and the crack propagation behavior was observed. The tensile strength of the specimen with affordable interphase was higher than that of the specimen without affordable interphase. The strain at which the first transverse cracks observed became higher on the specimen with affordable interphase, because the cracks hardly propagated into high toughness resin area. Consequently it results in the high tensile strength. Key Words:Affordable interphase, Vinyl-ester resin, Unsaturated polyester resin, Cross-link via free radical, Curing process, Alkyd, Transverse crack