Viscoelastic Property of Aqueous Solution of Associating Polymer in High Frequency Range
Abstract:High frequency viscoelasticity of an aqueous solution of associating polymer was directly measured. Viscoelasticity of the solution was determined at frequencies 10-1 - 102 rad s-1 with a conventional dynamic measurement method and at frequencies 10-2 - 104 rad s-1 with pulse strain method and surface loading method. The viscoelastic behavior of the solution was close to that of the Maxwell model in a range of polymer concentration 2 - 5 wt%. Relaxation time Ą and modulus G were determined by fitting data to the Maxwell model. The value of G increased with polymer concentration, while Ą was independent of polymer concentration. These results were in good agreement with the prediction of Tanaka's theory. Key Words:Associating polymer, Viscoelasticity, Surface loading method, Pulse strain method, High frequency measurement