The Effect of Weld Repair on High Temperature Properties of Aged 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel
Yoshio TAKAGI, Shigeru OTSUKI, Takuya ITO and Isamu NONAKA
Abstract:The performance of repair welds on service-aged 2.25Cr-1Mo header using SMAW with post weld heat@treatment was experimentally evaluated. Creep rupture life of the repair weldment was almost the same as that of service-aged base metal and repair weld was not a weak link. The remaining creep rupture life of aged weldment was improved by repair welding. In creep-fatigue test with strain holding, the fully repair-welded specimen showed almost the same creep-fatigue life as that of new weldment, however, the partially repair-welded specimen showed a shorter creep-fatigue life. FEM analysis revealed that the deformation behavior of repair weldment was quite different from that of new weldment and strain concentrated on softened aged metal. Key Words:Weld repair, Creep rupture life, Creep fatigue strength, 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, FEM Analysis