Original paper(Vol.52 No.9 pp.1043)

Evaluation of Fracture Properties of Concrete Using Wedge Splitting Test Method


Abstract:The wedge splitting test method developed by Tschegg was applied to investigate the fracture mechanical properties of concrete. The load-displacement curves of concrete, mortar and steel fiber reinforced mortar under the mode I fracture conditions were measured by different notched specimens and wedge splitting procedures. From the load-displacement curves, fracture parameters such as the specific fracture energy and notch-tensile strength were analyzed. The influences of the specimen size and ligament length on the fracture parameters were investigated from the analytical results. The observed differences in the fracture parameters between wedge splitting tests and three-point bending tests were also analyzed and discussed.

Key Words:Concrete, Specific fracture energy, Notch-tensile strength, Wedge splitting test, Three-point bending test, Load-displacement curve, Mode I fracture behavior