Homoepitaxial Growth on 4H-SiC {0001} -Vicinal Faces
Shun-ichi NAKAMURA, Tsunenobu KIMOTO and Hiroyuki MATSUNAMI
Abstract:Homoepitaxial growth on 4H-SiC {0001}-vicinal faces by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) operating at 1500‹C is investigated. Homoepitaxy is successful for both 0.2‹-off 4H-SiC (0001)Si and 0.7‹-off 4H-SiC (000-1)C faces, as well as a 3.5‹-off (0001)Si face. In the case of (0001)Si faces, reduction of C/Si ratio during CVD growth and wafer re-polishing are effective to suppress formation of major surface defects like carrots and extending triangles, which, however, were not completely eliminated probably due to polishing damages remaining near the wafer surfaces. For (000-1)C faces, the density of major surface defects, namely pits and extending triangles, decreases with increasing thickness of pre-growth thermal oxide up to 0.4-0.5 ƒÊm. Thus, for (000-1)C faces, proper thermal oxidation is effective to remove surface damages induced during wafer preparation that might cause the major surface defects. Key Words:Silicon carbide (SiC), {0001}-vicinal face, Homoepitaxial growth, Chemical vapor deposition