X-Ray Stress Measurement of Textured TiCN Films Using Crystallite Orientation Distribution Function
Shouichi EJIRI, Masahide GOTOH, Toshihiko SASAKI and Yukio HIROSE
Abstract:The X-ray stress measurement is an effective method of nondestructive inspection for the residual stress in the surface layer of steel materials. However, the sin2ƒÕ method, which is commonly used as X-ray stress measurement, is inapplicable to such anisotropic materials as textured materials because the theory supposes isotropic elastic polycrystalline materials as sample. The applicable X-ray stress measurement to textured materials was investigated on the assumption that information about each crystallite orientation was deduced by crystallite orientation distribution (ODF). Applied to measure the stress of the titanium carbide nitride (TiCN) film with the <111> preferred orientation, the residual stress value was determined from the measured lattice strain. The strong compressive stress value was observed in the film. Compared with methods of other models, the result indicated a small difference from the <111> ideal fiber texture model and was situated between the texture model and sin2ƒÕ method. Key Words:TiCN films, X-ray stress measurement, Crystallite orientation distribution function, Fiber texture, Arc ion platin