Effect of the Cross-Sectional In-Plane Crstal Orientation on the Structural Strength of Single-Crystal Turbine Vanes
Jinxiang CHEN, Ryosaku HASHIMOTO, Yoshitaka FUKUYAMA, Masahiro MATSUSHITA, Makoto OSAWA, Hiroshi HARADA, Tadaharu YOKOKAWA and Toyoaki YOSHIDA
Abstract:This paper presents the effects of the cross-sectional in-plane crystal orientation () on the structural strength of single crystal turbine vanes using the finite element method (FEM). The material of the turbine vanes is the single crystal superalloy TMS-75. The obtained results show that the elastic constant matrix (c'44) changes were by above 60% due to the orientation variation (0Ɓ 90). The dependency of the structural strength of the turbine vane on the crystal orientation was calculated using von Mises stress equation. The strength of the turbine vane was strongly related to , and also related to the model shape and load. This influence becomes more significant near the leading edge of the turbine vane where it is most likely to fracture. Key Words:Anisotropy, Thermal stress, Creep, Single-crystal, TMS-75, Orientation, Von mises stress