Stress and Displacement Fields for a Semi-Infinite Plane Containinga a Circular Hole Subjected to Stresses at Infinity
Takashi TSUTSUMI and Ken-ichi HIRASHIMA
Abstract:The problem of semi-infinite plane containing a circular hole has been treated using the stress functions in bi-polar coordinate. In these analyses, the boundary conditions have been given by only stresses or displacements on the hole and the straight edge. The aim of this study is that the solutions are presented for the semi-infinite plane containing a circular hole subjected to stresses at infinity. For introducing the solutions, the solution of semi-infinite plane and that of infinite plane with a circular hole are superposed to converge to both boundary conditions. Some numerical results for displacements are shown by graphical representation. Key Words:Semi-infinite plane containing one circular hole, Stresses at infinity, Complex stress function, Analysis of stress and strain