Direct Growth of ZnO Whiskers Bridging between Micron-Gap Electrodes in Aqueous Solution
Keisuke KAMETANI, Herve DUMONT, Hiroshi IMAMOTO and Shizuo FUJITA
Abstract:Zinc oxide (ZnO) whiskers were directly synthesized onto the interdigital structured electrodes with 10ƒÊm gap through an aqueous solution process. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, photoluminescence of the whiskers at room temperature and field emission-scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) images showed that the main products were wurtzite ZnO whiskers like hexagonal columns. The whiskers obtained have more than 10ƒÊm long and several ƒÊm wide. A few whiskers which were strongly bridging the electrodes could be selectively left by applying ultrasonic waves for several ten minutes. Photoconductivity of the whiskers at 390 nm was clearly seen with 5 V bias. The same characters of whiskers are kept over a long period of time, more than 2 months. Key Words:ZnO, whisker, Aqueous solution, Growth, bridging