Oxygen Storage Capacity and Morphology of Alumina- Supported Ceria Catalyst
Masatomo HATTORI and Masakuni OZAWA
Abstract:Oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of ceria (CeO2) is the important property of recent automotive exhaust catalysts. Alumina-supported ceria catalyst is useful for removal of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides under dynamic condition. In this work, temperature programmed reduction and OSC of 10-50mol%v-Al2O3 catalysts were compared with their morphology. The OSC per CeO2 decreases with the added amount of CeO2 to Al2O3 because the crystallite size of ceria increased. The OSC per surface area of CeO2 was enhanced by alumina support. Key Words:Oxygen storage capacity, Temperature programmed reduction, Ceria, Alumina, catalyst