Paper(Vol.58 No.8 pp.691-696)
Evaluation of Concrete Surface Coating Method
Applied to San-yo Shinkansen RC Structures
Yoshihiko WATANABE, Satoshi ARAMAKI, Yoshifumi MATSUDA, Takuji
Abstract:Concrete surface coating method
is one of the repair methods applied to deteriorated RC structures. By coating
the concrete surface, coating materials protect the surface and prevent the
harmful substances penetrating inside and deteriorated concrete debris dropping
to third party. This method has been used with various techniques and materials.
However its durability performance is not clear completely.
The premature
deterioration of San-yo Shinkansen RC Structures is mainly caused by
carbonation, but this method applied to RC structures deteriorated by
carbonation induced corrosion was few. Therefore, for upgrading the durability
of this method when it is applied for the purpose of stopping further
deterioration, on-site test and exposure specimen test have been continued since
2001 with 13 kinds of concrete surface coating materials. Various examinations
(carbonation depth, bond strength, weathering resistance, and various kinds of
permeability) have been carried out in 1, 3, and 5 years from the beginning.
Test methods and their standards are also discussed.
Key Words:Concrete surface coating method, Carbonation, Exposure
test, On-site test, Durability