Wetting Characteristics of Different Types of Liquid on Particulate Composite Materials
Kentaro YAMAUCHI, Goro YAMAUCHI and Kenichi TAKAI
Abstract:The particulate composite model derived to explain the high contact angle of water on the water repellent particulate composite materials was applied for the contact angle of other types of liquid such as methylene iodide and -bromonaphthalene on the particulate composite materials. By substituting the experimental data of contact angle of water, methylene@iodide and -bromonaphtalene to the formula of this model, following results were obtained. For water case, the more the PTFE volume fraction, the more area of PTFE surface is covered by air and that 100 % of binder surface can be covered by water. For methylene iodide case, both PTFE and binder are covered thoroughly by methylene iodide for all the PTFE volume fraction. For -bromonaphtalene case, the more the PTFE volume fraction, the more area of PTFE surface is covered by air and that 100 % of binder surface can be covered by -bromonaphtalene. By assuming that binder is covered by each of liquid, the contact angle of three different types of liquid on the PTFE particulate composites material can be skeptically expressed using the parameters of PTFE volume fraction and liquid coverage of PTFE. Key Words:Polymer base, Composite material, Coating material, Contact angle, Water repellent