Original Paper(Vol.61 No.1 pp.58-63)

Evaluation of Bearing Capacity of Soil-Cement Column Reinforced with Wooden Core Used for Small Buildings


Abstract: In a case of applying the soil-cement columns to small buildings, the diameter of soil-cement column might become larger than the width of a base because strength of soil-cement column is low. To cancel this problem, and to decrease the cost and the environmental loadCmethod of soil-cement column reinforced with wooden core (SCWC) was developed. The compression tests of the cement-treated soil and wood core were conducted, and describes that the strength of SCWC is simply addition of the strength of cement-treated soil and the strength of wood core. The vertical loading tests on actual size SCWC were conducted, and the bearing capacity factors were obtained. The bearing capacity factors are based on N-value of the ground estimated from Swedish weight sounding test (SST). The allowable bearing capacity calculation table is proposed. This calculation table is made by the strength of SCWC and the bearing capacity factors led based on N-value of the ground estimated from SST.

Key Words:Soil improvement, Soil-cement column, Small buildings, Wooden core, Bearing capacity, Swedish weight sounding test