Analitical Solutions of Anisotropic Body Bounded by an Elleptical Surface Subjected to Arbitrary Loads
Takeshi TANE, Takeshi UCHIDA, Toru SASAKI and Kiyokazu KIMURA
Abstract:This paper presents general solutions for anisotropic cylinder using complex stress functions based on Lekhnitskii formalism. Up to now, an analytical solution of isotropic cylinder has been widely used whereas solutions of anisotropic elliptic cylinders subject to arbitrary surface loads have not been derived. The proposed complex stress functions, which are developed by Laurent series, enable to solve conditions under distributed loads like hydro pressures and concentrated loads. The function can also analyze a shear load parallel to longitudinal axis of a cylinder. Analyzed stress distributions are graphically represented. Key Words:Anisotropy, Elasticity, Elliptic cylinder, Complex stress function, Mapping function, Lateral load, Cleave test