In-Situ X-ray Residual Stress Measurement on a Peened Alloy 600 Weld Metal at Elevated Temperature under Tensile Load
Tomoaki YUNOMURA, Takaharu MAEGUCHI and Takayuki KURIMURA
Abstract:In order to verify stability of residual stress improvement effect of peeing for mitigation of stress corrosion cracking in components of PWR plant, relaxation behavior of residual stress induced by water jet peening (WJP) on surface of alloy 600 weld metal (alloy 132) was investigated by in-situ X-ray residual stress measurement under thermal aging and stress condition considered for actual plant operation. Surface residual stress change was observed at the early stage of thermal aging at 360, but no significant further stress relaxation was observed after that. Applied stress below yield stress does not significantly affect stress relaxation behavior of surface residual stress. For the X-ray residual stress measurement, X-ray stress constant at room temperature for alloy 600 was determined experimentally with several surface treatment and existence of applied strain. The X-ray stress constant at elevated temperatures were extrapolated theoretically based on the X-ray stress constant at room temperature for alloy 600. Key Words:X-ray, Residual stress, Stress corrosion cracking, Water jet peening, In-situ, Alloy 600, Alloy 132