Micromechanical Analysis of Porosity Effect on X-Ray Elastic Constants of Sintered Alumina |
Tanaka Keisuke; Akiniwa Yoshiaki; Ito Toshimasa |
1352 |
Theoretical Prediction of Residual Stress Induced by Shot Peening and Experimental Verification for Carburzed Steel |
Ogawa Kazuyoshi; Asano Takashi |
1360 |
Dynamics Stability of Angle-Ply Laminated Cylindrical Shells under Impact External Pressure |
Kasuya Hirakazu; Matsuoka Kazuo |
1367 |
Effect of Sodium on Environment on Creep and Fatigue Properties of FBR Grade Type 316 Stainless Steel |
Furukawa Tomohiro; Yoshida Eiichi; Komine Ryuji; Kato Shoichi |
1373 |
Effects of Microstructure and Corrosive Environment on Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour in a Duplex Stainless Steel |
Nakajima Masaki; Tokaji Keiro; Okamoto Yoshiyuki |
1379 |
Effects of CTBN Addition on Mechanicla Properties of Epoxy Resins Filled with SiO2 Particles |
Kobayashi Toshiro; Higashihara Takashi; Yamaya Hayato; Hosoi Kazuo; Toda Hiroyuki |
1386 |
Fatigue and Creep Fracture Properties of Plane-Woven SiC/SiC Composites at Room Temperature and 1473K |
Tanaka Motosugu; Ochiai Shojiro; Hojo Masaki; Tanaka Ryohei; Miyamura Koh; Fujikura Masakuni; Nakayama Hirotoshi |
1393 |
Interlaminar Fracture Toughness and Delamination Fatigue under Mode Tand U Loadings of Unidirectional Alumina Fiber/Epoxy Laminates in Air at Room Temperature |
Hojo Masaki; Matsuda Satoshi; Ochiai Shojiro; Moriya Kiyoshi; Aoyama Hiroshi |
1400 |
Stress-Ratio Effect on Propagation of Delamination Fatigue Cracks in Undirectional Graphite/Epoxy Laminates under Mixed-Mode(T+U)Loading |
Tanaka Hiroshi; Tanaka Keisuke; Katoh Hidetaka; Tsuji Tatsuya |
1408 |
Residual Stresses and Fatigue Strength Properties of Ceramics/Metal Joints |
Okabe Nagatoshi; Takahasi Manabu; Zhu Xia; Kagawa Kenichiro; Maruyama Miho |
1416 |
Mechanical Properties of TiN Films with Preferred Orientation by Nano-Indentation Method |
Matsumuro Akihito; Watanabe Tomohiko; Hayashi Toshiyuki; Muramatsu Mutsuo; Takahashi Yutaka |
1423 |
Formation and Electromotive Phenomena of Hetero-Junctions of Oxide Solid Electrolytes |
Katahira Koji; Yajima Tamotu; Koide Kunihiro; Yamamoto Kunji; Shimura Tetsuo; Iwahara Hiroyasu |
1428 |
Measurement of Residual Stress Distribution on Coarse-Grained Polycrystalline Materials by Means of Imaging Plate |
Sasaki Toshihiko; Yazawa Kazumichi; Hirose Hajime |
1431 |
X-Ray Measurement of Stresses in a Crystal Grain by Position Sensitive Detector |
Suyama Yujiro; Ohya Shin-ichi; Yoshioka Yasuo |
1437 |
Photoviscoplastic Strain Analysis of Surface Coatings by the Scattered-Light Method |
Hirano Teizo; Hayashi Yoshihiko; Imai Yasufumi |
1443 |